The Carolinas

February 28 – March 3, 2009

Last year was a great year for scratching off states on the map, so by comparison 2019 was off to a slow start. The good news was one of Jennica’s friends, Lauren Summers, moved to Anderson, South Carolina. Normally that would not be of much note, but the even better news is I have an office and various locations in the same area.

I had a good business case to go down to visit my sites and both Jennica and Lauren were able to meet up as well. The plan was to see Greenville, SC on Friday/early Saturday and then go up to Asheville, NC on Saturday afternoon/Sunday.

Day 0

We drove down super late on Thursday, February 28th. It couldn’t be a simple drive, either. We did get lucky that we didn’t have to drive the ‘back road’ through the mountains, but it was raining and still presented its own issues. We got to our hotel in downtown Greenville, South Carolina around 1:30a local time.

If you just want to look at our pictures, keep scrolling. Otherwise, proceed to Day 1

All of the photos!

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